Weekly Message - 3rd March 2025

Thanks for stopping by
Big love to everyone who joined me in Plymouth on Sat - This weekend I'm heading to the We Love Ibiza Weekender on Sat 8th March - You can catch me in the Red's Arena playing straight after Seb Fontaine at 1am - The last time I followed Seb was in Ibiza last year at Amnesia so it will be great to see him again. Last week Pet Shop Boys Announced an exciting "Dreamworld" Tour date on Sat Aug 30th at Warwick Castle and have invited me to do a DJ warm up set for them - I really enjoyed being on their UK Arena Tour Last Year.
Lots of exciting gigs coming up from clubs to festivals - If you fancy joining me overseas this year how about The Rong Outdoor Trance Festival in Malta in May or how about Eden in Ibiza this summer? Dates are in the DJ date section.

My next couple of weeks Tour Dates are We Love Ibiza Weekender 8th March Minehaed, Reclaim The Dancefloor at Rosies in Chester (Day Party) Sat 15th March, Trance Anthems at the Retro Lounge Blackpool Sat 15th March( evening set) , We Love Ibiza Weekender Skegness Sat 22 March, Dance Anthems Town Hall Henley Sat 29th March (sold Out)

Join me For Trance anthems live on Homeravetv this Sunday 9th March at 7pm - Catch my Delirium Podcast at Apple, Amazon and Mixcloud

Have a great week
If you haven't joined HomeRaveTV yet get a free 3 day trial here:

https://www.youtube.com/c/DavePearceOfficial/videos. Also on Twitch TV at:

My Delirium upfront Trance show is available on Apple Podcasts and on Mixcloud - You can catch a replay of the show with live chat room Wed nights at 8pm on YouTube at DavePearceOfficial.

Follow me on Social media at Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

If you are a promoter interested in making a booking message here: dpearcebookings@gmail.com
Dave Pearce Dance Anthems 2018Dave Pearce Trance Anthems 2018